Friday, February 04, 2005

Brown is better

Today the UPS man came with my computer, my rollerblades, my stuffed racoon, and my year-long supplies of Tim Horton's coffee and French Vanilla.

I could've kissed him.

But I decided against it.

The great wisdom I had in restraining myself with the UPS man was made apparent when I opened the box my monitor was in and found that UPS upped and broke my monitor. Just cosmetic injuries, of course. But it had done broke nonetheless.

No worries. I don't really care. And once I get a wireless card, I shall finally be able to rid myself of these sluggishly-obsolete, software-challenged computers-by-name-only that we have at work. And you know what that means?


~hello my name is mango/ and i like to do drawrings.