Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Nest, sweet nest


Dear Internets,

When last we spoke I lamented the arduousness that is packing. Since then, I have been reminded of another labourious task to be avoided at all costs: unpacking. Please note that though packing/moving is still first on my personal list of grievances, unpacking comes in at a close second.

Perhaps it is the fact that the Intern and I had to combine two households in the space of one that made unpacking such a seemingly unsurmountable challenge. Perhaps it was the fact that we had neither garbage nor recyling facilities at our disposal, and the subsequent looming pile of cardboard boxes that overtook our kitchen. Perhaps it was the thick, hateful honey mustard drapes that blocked out the sun from our hateful honey mustard living space. Perhaps it was the unfortunate timing of two unwelcome monthly visitors. But for reals, y'alls. I thought I was gonna hate this place.

However, now that the boxes and the most oppressive bits of the mustard have been removed, and the city has decided to collect our refuse, and the monthly visitors have gone on to destroy another helpless female soul, things could not be better!

The Intern and I even succeed in putting together four pieces of Ikea furniture without me devolving into a petulant child. And that is a miracle in itself.

So do drop by and see our new place!* We look forward to having you here.


G. Mango (and the Intern)

*Now with 50% less mustard!