Name! That! Fish!
After the death of our beloved Sammie, and weeks of searching for an affordable aquarium wherein to house a replacement Sammie, the Intern and I had the luck of finding a fabulous fish tank in the earthquake room in the basement of our bachelorette pad.And behold it was a fish tank, and it was good.
So good, in fact, that we rushed out and got Louis some playmates (see Fig 1.1). Louis and his new brothers will move into the fish tank once the water has been purified, clarified,and whateverelse-ified. But for now Louis still lives in his mayonnaise maison. And our new fishies reside in a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter.
And let me stop all the naysayers right now by saying that it is a huge fruit bowl, that bowl is. A huge bowl with a pump and a water filter. A huge bowl of cleanliness and aeration. So resist the temptation to report us to the Humane Society, the SPCA, and PETA. Thankyouverymuch.
The new fish are as yet unnamed. And I am pretty much stuck for names, having exhausted my creative genius with Samuel L. Fish and Louis Grenouille. So the Intern suggested inviting you, my beloved public, to suggest names for our newest family members. And thus, a contest was born. A contest to Name! That! Fish!
So, please, Name! That! Fish! And that other fish, while you're at it.
Let your voice be heard by leaving a comment. You have one week before the contest closes. On your marks, get set, go!
Fig 1.1
Mulberry 1.2
Breadfruit XP
~gaze upon g. mango's fish and shudder!
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