Sunday, December 14, 2008

Marital Difficulties

This week our Member of Parliament sent three letters to my roommate. My roommate (who I might add) only lives here three days a week. Can you believe it? She got a love letter for every day she was here.

And I (a faithful defender of the NDP, and more-or-less permanent resider in an NDP riding) went expectantly to the mailbox everyday, and got a whole lotta nothing. The audacity of some people. Least she could do was show a mango a little love. is having the green-eyed monster over for a bowl of organic chicken soup and contemplating voting for the conservatives*

*Aha! Now that would be the day!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


In response to a friend's recent sexual activation and consequent trepidations:

Haven't had your period in two months? Think you might be pregnant? Why not Rent-a-Rag?! Sign up for our month-by-month rate and you can have MY period for less than a dollar a day! That's right, for less the the cost of a cup of coffee a day . . .

~ is fresh as a prince on a ghetto spring day