This weekend one of my high school friends had a little birthday bash. Everyone who was anyone was there. And by that I mean it was an intimate gathering of our little high school clique, minus one member who now lives in Calgary, plus one of the birthday girl's friends from Laurier where she spent her first year before buying a condo in the Tdot (that's right, at the ripe old age of 20 she
bought her own place) and transferring to the evil University of Toronto. . .
Holy run-on sentence, Batman!
In any case, we relived high school moments with endless "Remember when . . .?" and "Remember so-and-so. . . ?" stories. The answers to those questions are respectively and unequivocally No, and No. I don't know what it is with me, but just about everything that happened in high school has (in)conveniently fallen out of my head. Especially, it seems, the proper use of commas, quotation "marks", (and parentheses)"."
Once we satisfied our reminiscence quota, it was onto watching Mean Girls. Because we are all 14 years old. And though I had theretofore sworn that I would never watch such a cinematic debacle, it wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought it would be.* Mind you, I had had already reached my maximum limit of two alcoholic beverages by the time the movie started, so that could have been a factor.**
*It's important to note that, though I'm not cinephobe (let's pretend that's the opposite of cinephile, shall we?), I still hate the vast majority of movies I've seen. And this would usually be the place where I'd enter into a rant similar to the following:
Screen writers, quit stealing storylines from craptacular pop "classics" and invest in a writing class! Or drink some ginseng. I don't know if that does anything for creativity but it helps with memory. And maybe then you'll remember that most pop classics were obsequious the first time around, and will prolly suck the second time around too. . . no matter how much high-density modern cinematic gloss you put on 'em. And while you're at it, get me some ginseng too 'cause I've forgotten everything that happened from the mid- to late-nineties!
**It is also important to note that I think the Heineken and Smirnoff I had were defective, 'cause usually by two drinks, I am as tipsy as I will responsibly allow myself to be. (Thus the self-imposed two-drink limit). But this weekend I was totally fine (except for the inexplicable minor enjoyment of the aforementioned teen movie). Like I was sippin' on gin and juice sans gin. And it's not like I drink all that often and have built up my tolerance level. Ergo, the drinks were obviously defective.
Anyway, this is getting long. So I shall wrap and say that it was nice to see everyone and find out that we're all either still in school (4 of us), in school again (N. is doing her Master's at Queens), avoiding school (T. is all grown up and working in some engineering firm, and may or may not finish her undergrad at some point in the near to distant future), or happily finished school, carting around liberal arts degrees, and basically unemployed. . . uh, I mean, doing novel research (3 of us).
~get your useless liberal arts degree before it's too late!